hi freinds, first of all we wish you advanced very happy vishu. yes, for mallus vishu is one of the best celebration. We never forget our vishu experiences. everyone enjoy vishu day. And everyone happy by watching vishu kanni and by getting vishu kaineettam. vishu is celebrtaed on april 15. It is the first day of the malaylam calender. which is on medam 1. medam is the first month in malayalam calender. so medam 1 is celebrated as vishu. Vishu kani is very beatiufl peace of art. i think most of the people never forget vishu kani in their whole life.
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READ - Whatsapp Vishu Status , Happy vishu Status for whatsapp, happy vishu whatsapp wishes latest
- On this Vishu day wish you a plentiful year. May all your dreams and desires come true!God bless you
- On this Vishu take a vow to make life beautiful and exciting by accepting both its sorrow and happiness.
- Wish you a happy Vishu 2016 filled with love, peace, hope and joy through out the year. happy vishu 2016
- I Wish you a very very happy Vishu and a prosperous year ahead.
- From this vishu , Live your life to the fullest and dream big. Me and My family vishu a happy vishu 2016
- Sending my heartiest wishes to you this Vishu.
- wish you and your friends a very best vishu celebration
- My very Best wishes to you this Vishu
- orayiram ormakal koodukootiya manasinte thalirchillayilek niramulla ormaklumayiveendum oru vishu vannethukayayi hridayam niranja snehathode " vishu ashamsakal"
- ente ella kootukaranmarkkum koottukarikalkkum oru adipoly vishu ashamsakal nerunnu. pwolikk guys... namma und koode
- ente ella snehitharkkum vishu wishes nerunu. hope for the best in coming year
- ente kudumbathile ellavarkkum ente vishu ashamsakal nerunnu....
- * orayiram ormakal koodukootiya manasinte thalirchillayilek niramulla ormaklumayiveendum oru vishu vannethukayayi hridayam niranja snehathode " vishu ashamsakal"
Whatsapp status for vishu festival, wahtsapp status for happy vishu wishes 2016
I hope u guys got some good whatsapp status fro vishu festival. set these new ' happy vishu ' whatsapp status and enjoy your this vishu. wish u a superb vishu 2016.
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